Radi se o vođenom Ashtanga satu na kojem studenti vježbaju zajedno i na taj način stvaraju zajedničku energiju i dah koji su itekako korisni i podržavajući za osobnu praksu.
Cilj ovog sata je omogučiti studentima memorizaciju redoslijeda asana, vinyasa i ispravnog daha Ashtanga prve serije.
Led sat je tipičan ashtanga sat. Redoslijed asana je fiksan, a studenti su vođeni i na ispravno korištenje daha, energetskih ključeva (bandha) i fokusirane pažnje (drishti).
Učitelj obično vodi prvu seriju ashtange ali se zna dogoditi da iskusite i dio druge serije ili nekih specifičnih pranayama tehnika.
It is a guided Ashtanga class where students practice together and thus create a common energy and breath that is very useful and supportive for personal practice.
The aim of this class is to enable students to memorize the sequence of asanas, vinyasas and correct breathing of the Ashtanga first series.
Led class is a typical ashtanga class. The order of the asanas is fixed, and the students are also guided on the correct use of breath, energy locks (bandha) and focused attention (drishti).
The teacher usually leads the first series of Ashtanga, but it can happen that you also experience part of the intermediate series or some specific pranayama techniques.
Legendaran, originalan Ashtanga sat. Ime Mysore potječe od istoimenog naziva grada u Karnataki (Indija) gdje je 1964 godine Sri K. Pattabhi Jois otvorio Ashtanga Yoga Istraživački Institut (The Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute).
Radi se o grupnom satu gdje svaki student vježba sam za sebe, pod osobnim vodstvom i detaljnim uputama učitelja.
Takav način vježbanja zasigurno je najbolji način učenja jer student nije prisiljen pratiti ritam drugih te se na taj način može potpuno usredotočiti na stabilnost vlastitog daha i ispravno izvođenje asana (pozicija). Dok student postupno vježba cijelu seriju asana, ono što postaje izazov je održavanje vlastitog daha svjesnim, pravilnim i smirenim.
Svaki student vježba seriju asana do pozicije za koju je spreman i tako dolazi do vrlo brzog napretka. Kad vježba redovito, učitelj mu postupno nadodaje asane kada procijeni da je spreman za njih. Za početnike sat obično traje 45 min do sat vremena a za napredne vježbače i dublo duže.
Čvrste i duboke asistencije, kao i individualne upute i savjeti, tradicionalne su karakteristike ovog sata i najbolji mogući način kako unaprijediti i usavršiti osobnu praksu.
Mysore sat je za sve one koji žele sagraditi temeljito predznanje o ovoj vrsti yoge. Čak i ako ne poznate redoslijed asana, ovo je pravi sat da ih detaljno naučite. Mysore sat je mjesto gdje početnici vježbaju zajedno s iskusnim vježbačima u savršenom zajedništvu tjelesnih pokreta vođenih zvukom ujjayi daha.
Ako želiš iskusiti izvorno učenje Ashtanga yoge, dođi na Mysore sat.
The legendary, original Ashtanga class. The name Mysore comes from the city in Karnataka (India) where in 1964 Sri K. Pattabhi Jois opened the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute
It is a group class where each student practices on his own, under the personal guidance and detailed instructions of the teacher.
This way of practicing is certainly the best way of learning, because the student is not forced to follow the rhythm of others, and in this way he can completely focus on the stability of his own breath and the correct execution of asanas (positions). As the student gradually practices the entire series of asanas. The biggest challenge is keeping the breath conscious, regular, and calm.
Each student practices a series of asanas up to the position for which he is ready, and thus reaching a very fast progress. When he practices regularly, the teacher gradually adds asanas to practice when he judges that students is ready for them. For beginners, the class usually lasts 45 minutes to an hour, and for advanced practitioners, it is much longer.
Solid and deep assistance, as well as individual instructions and advice, are the traditional characteristics of this class and the best possible way to improve and perfect your personal practice.
The Mysore class is for all those who want to build a thorough knowledge of this type of yoga. Even if you don't know the order of the asanas, this is the right class to learn them in detail. Mysore class is a place where beginners practice together with experienced practitioners in perfect communion of body movements guided by the sound of ujjayi breath.
If you want to experience the original teaching of Ashtanga yoga, come to a Mysore class.